Harold W. Berkman Service Award

Named after the AMS founding fellow, Harold W. Berkman Service Award is reserved for individuals who have distinguished themselves through long-term service to organization. The recipient will have demonstrated his or her accomplishments through actions and statements and will have, at all times, acted with integrity and high ethical standards.

Eligibility and Requirements

Any long-standing AMS Fellow is eligible for the award. Typically, the award recognizes an individual for prolonged and sustained service to the marketing academic community in general and to AMS specifically. The individual need not have served AMS in official capacity, although the ideal candidate likely has been an officer, member of the Board of Governors and/or Program Chair at some point.

Selection Process

Selection Committee: At the AMS Annual Conference, the chair of the Board of Governors will appoint a committee of three governors to identify candidates and make a final selection for the Harold W. Berkman Service Award. Also, the chair of the Board of Governors will either appoint the chair of the nominating and selection committee or instruct the committee to select its own chair. 

Call for Nominations: A call for nominations will be sent to the Board of Governors and Distinguished Fellows by December 1 each year and will include a description of the award. The call for nominations will also be published in AMS Quarterly. Nominations may be submitted to the Board of Governors from any active AMS Fellow through ams@latech.edu using the subject line “Berkman Service Award.” Individuals wishing to nominate someone will be asked to provide a brief statement (fewer than 100 words) describing what the individual has accomplished to be worthy of the award. They will also be asked if, to their knowledge, the nominee has acted with integrity and high ethical standards. The nomination should also include the names of three AMS references (current AMS fellows) in support of the nomination. Self-nominations are accepted.

Committee Evaluations and Ranking: By December 15, the chair of the nominating and selection committee will convene the committee to rank order the candidates. The rankings will then be shared with the AMS President and the Board of Governors. The president and the board will give permission to proceed or ask the committee to reconvene to do additional work.

Winner Notification: Once the nominees have been approved, the chair of the nominating and selection committee will contact the highest-ranking nominee on the list. If the highest-ranking nominee declines, the chair will contact nominees of subsequent rankings. No more than one person shall receive the award in any given year. There may be years when no nominees are selected for recognition.

Winner Recognition

Recipients will receive a framed certificate and official recognition at the AMS Annual Conference. Winners will also receive a $500* check drawn from a U.S. bank.

Past Winners

2004: Jay D. Lindquist, Western Michigan University, USA
2005: Robert A. Peterson, University of Texas, USA
2006: A. Coskun Samli, University of North Florida, USA
2007: J. Tom Mentzer, University of Tennessee, USA
2009: Joseph F. Hair, Jr., Kennesaw State University, USA
2010: Barry J. Babin, Louisiana Tech University, USA
2011: O.C. Ferrell, University of New Mexico, USA
2012: John B. Ford, Old Dominion University, USA
2013: Charles W. Lamb, Texas Christian University, USA
2014: James R. Lumpkin, University of Texas--Tyler, USA

2015: Sharon Beatty, University of Alabama, USA
2016: David J. Ortinau, University of South Florida, USA
2017: Leyland Pitt, Simon Fraser University, Canada
2019: Michel Laroche, Concordia University, Canada
2020: Rajan Varadarajan, Texas A&M University, USA
2022: Adilson Borges, Neoma Business School, France
2023: Julie Moulard, Louisiana Tech University, USA
2024: Nina Krey, Rowan University, USA


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