Articles of Association and Bylaws

The Academy of Marketing Science (the "Academy") began at C. W. Post Center of Long Island University in 1971. Under the directorship of founder Dr. Harold W. Berkman, the Academy grew into a substantial regional association. In 1972 he established the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (JAMS). As the Academy expanded nationally in both scope and recognition, it became evident that more structure was needed. Consequently, in 1979 the Academy was reorganized with a new Constitution and Articles of Association and Bylaws. The Academy currently has elected officers and a Board of Governors, with elections held on a biennial basis. The first annual conference took place in Akron, Ohio in 1977. Subsequent annual conferences have been held in nearly a dozen U.S. states and in Canada. World Marketing Congresses have been held in such diverse locations as Peru, Australia, Malaysia, and Turkey. Presently the Academy of Marketing Science is a full-service, scholarly professional organization. It offers a wide range of services, including a series of conferences and special interest programs and symposia, refereed scholarly journals, a quarterly member newsletter, and conference proceedings.

Title One

The name of the organization is Academy of Marketing Science Foundation (commonly referred to as the Academy of Marketing Science®, the Academy, or AMS).

Title Two

The period of duration of the organization is perpetual.

Title Three

The address of the Central Office is: Academy of Marketing Science, c/o Department of Marketing, Analytics, and Professional Sales, University of Mississippi, P. O. Box 1848, University, MS 38677 (email: The web presence is

Title Four

As a consortium of university academicians and business executives, the Academy's purpose is to:

  1. Provide leadership in exploring the normative boundaries of marketing and seeking new ways of conjoining marketing theory and marketing practice.

  2. Further the science of marketing throughout the world by promoting the conduct of research and the dissemination of research results.

  3. Provide a forum for the study and improvement of marketing as an economic, ethical, social, and political force and process.

  4. Furnish, as appropriate and available, material and other resources for the solution of marketing problems that confront firms and industries on the one hand, and society at large, on the other.

  5. Provide publishing media and facilities for the Fellows of the Academy and reviewer assistance on Fellows' scholarly research.

  6. Sponsor one or more annual conferences to enable the Fellows of the Academy to:

    1. present research results,

    2. learn by listening to other presentations and through interaction with other Fellows and conference participants,

    3. avail themselves of placement services,

    4. conduct discussions with book publishers and editors

    5. foster international fellow relationships, and

    6. exchange other relevant information.

  7. Assist Fellows in the better utilization of their professional marketing talents through redirection, reassignment, and relocation.

  8. Provide Fellows with insights and such resources as may be available to facilitate the development and improvement of teaching methods, professional training/certification, materials, devices, and directions.

  9. Seek financial support through named awards and recognitions for establishing student scholarships and scholarly endowments in the field of marketing.

  10. Offer Academy Fellow status to business and institutional executives and organizations. The Academy's purpose and direction may be modified as the influence of time and appropriate constructive forces dictate.

Title Five

Membership in the Academy has no geographical boundaries.

Title Six


1. Qualification. Academy members, designated as Fellows of the Academy, shall consist of business executives and collegiate faculty members of professorial rank, except as hereinafter defined.

2. Membership Classes. There are five classes of Fellows:

  1. Founding (charter) Fellows of the Academy are those who, upon invitation, became Fellows prior to October 4, 1972.

  2. Academy Fellows are those who became Fellows on or after October 4, 1972.

  3. Honorary Fellows are those who, upon invitation, accept fellow status while not qualifying as in (1) or (2) above in this Title, but because of special distinction in collegiate, business, political or other engagements, give promise of bringing a reciprocal honor to the Academy. Honorary Fellows shall neither hold office nor have voting privileges.

  4. Student Fellows are those who, upon invitation, accept fellow status while in full-time attendance in a degree-offering program at the college or university level. Student Fellows shall neither hold office nor have voting privileges but shall be eligible to participate in all other Academy activities and receive Academy publications.

  5. Emeritus Fellows are individuals who retain their active membership following at least 10 consecutive years of active membership as an AMS Fellow and who are no less than 62 years of age. Emeritus Fellows are fully participating AMS Fellows in all regards.

Title Seven

Board of Governors

1. Responsibilities. The Board of Governors shall be responsible for providing oversight of the purpose, objectives, policies, plans, programs, and operations of AMS, including leadership, strategic stewardship, performance measurements, and financial oversight. In addition, the BOG shall be responsible for enforcing accountability and compliance with the AMS By-laws and regulatory requirements. The BOG shall be responsible for initiating and approving all changes in these Articles of Association and Bylaws prior to the submission of these changes for approval to Academy Fellows in good standing. The AMS Board of Governors and the AMS President share responsibility to identify and understand the primary concerns of the membership and key AMS stakeholders in order to effectively facilitate their strategic and oversight duties and responsibilities. The Board of Governors shall determine those individuals whom the Academy chooses to honor, including, but not limited to, the Distinguished Marketing Educator, the Distinguished Marketing Practitioner, and the Berkman Service Awards, among others. Members of the Board of Governors shall be responsible for working to maintain and strengthen the Academy's membership, reputation, and functioning; and they accept such ad hoc responsibilities as may be requested by the Chairperson of the Board of Governors.

2. Composition. The Board of Governors shall consist of fifteen members, twelve of whom shall be elected by Academy Fellows. The President and the Executive Vice President/Director of the Academy shall be ex-officio members without vote. The immediate Past President shall be a voting member of the Board of Governors for one two-year term following his/her term as President. A reasonable effort shall be made to constitute the Board of Governors proportional to the geographical distribution of the Academy's membership. From time to time, the Board of Governors shall appoint ad hoc committees as deemed necessary.

3. Term of Membership. The term of membership of the elected members of the Board of Governors shall be staggered to ensure continuity of operation, and shall be for six years. One-third of the elected members' terms shall expire each biennium. The term of membership shall be from June 1 of the election year through May 31 of the sixth year following. Membership on the Board of Governors shall be limited to two terms. Any person nominated and elected, or appointed, to the Board of Governors shall be a Fellow in good standing for at least one year prior to the term of membership. A Board of Governors member may be removed from the Board by a two-thirds vote of those members of the Executive Council and the Board of Governors (excluding the Board of Governors member whose removal is being sought) present and acting as one body during a regularly scheduled or specifically called meeting. Such removal shall be only for good cause. In the event of a vacancy resulting from such removal, or for any other reason, a replacement shall be nominated by the President and approved by a majority of the Executive Council and Board of Governors.

4. Chairperson. The duly elected members of the Board of Governors at their annual BOG meeting shall select the Chairman of the Board of Governors with approval of the Executive Vice President/Director (or Executive Director) and President of the Academy for a two-year term. The appointment is renewable and subject to Executive Council ratification.

5. Nominations. Nominations for membership on the Board of Governors shall be the responsibility of the Nominating Committee, as set forth in Title Nine.

6. Meetings. The Board of Governors shall meet as a formal body at least once a year.

Title Eight

Offices of the Academy

To ensure the Academy's successful growth and accomplishment of its stated purposes, the following offices shall be established for the Academy: President, Executive Vice President/Director, President-elect, Executive Director, Vice Presidents for Programs, Engagement, Global Membership, Communications, Publications, and Secretary/Treasurer. Any person nominated and elected, or appointed, to an Academy office, shall be a Fellow in good standing for at least one year prior to the term of said office. All officer terms will commence on September 1 of the year of their election. 

1. President.
The President shall be elected for a two-year term by a majority of the voting Fellows of the Academy. The President shall possess overall responsibility for planning, organizing, and controlling Academy affairs. The President shall have the authority to establish the necessary ad hoc committees and positions to facilitate advancement of the goals, objectives, and purposes of the Academy. The President shall be an ex officio voting member of all Academy standing committees. The President shall have the authority to call meetings of the Executive Council (see Title Ten) and preside over such meetings.

2. Executive Vice President/Director.
The office of Executive Vice President/Director was occupied by Dr. Harold W. Berkman, in recognition of his signal achievements in developing the Academy of Marketing Science, until he passed away December 7, 2020. Upon his passing, consistent with the bylaws in effect at the time, the title of Executive Vice President/Director was discontinued and an Executive Director was appointed.

3. President-elect.
The President-elect shall be elected for a two-year term by a majority of the voting Fellows of the Academy. The President-elect shall be responsible for assisting the President in any manner deemed appropriate by the President. The President-elect shall act for the President in his/her absence or temporary incapacity.

4. Executive Director.
At its discretion, the Board of Governors shall appoint an Executive Director, at such time as the office of Executive Vice President/Director is discontinued. The Executive Director shall be an ex officio (voting) member of all standing committees of the Academy, including the Executive Council and the Board of Governors. The Executive Director shall have the authority, within the boundaries, conditions, and reporting requirements established by the Executive Council, to enter into contracts on behalf of the Academy, to hire personnel, to receive and dispense funds of the Academy, provide financial reports on a timely basis to the Executive Council and Secretary/Treasurer, and in general manage the routine business of the Academy. The Executive Director shall serve at the discretion of the Executive Council but, if necessary, the BOG has power to change an Executive Director. The Executive Director, in consultation with the President and Chair of the BOG, has authority to appoint an individual to serve in the role of Deputy Director. The Deputy Director shall facilitate the business of AMS, including the ability to have signing authority for conducting business to the extent delegated by the Executive Director and in the event of the incapacity of the Executive Director.

5. Vice President for Programs.
The Vice President for Programs shall be elected for a two-year term by a majority of the voting Fellows of the Academy. The Vice President for Programs shall be responsible for the overall coordination of the Annual Conference of the Academy and any other symposia, conferences, seminars, or programs sponsored (singly or jointly) by the Academy. Conference chairs shall be appointed by the Vice President for Programs and ratified by the Executive Council. Conference-related chair positions shall be for a period of one year or less, terminating at the end of the particular conference. Conference pro-forma income statements (budgets) shall be submitted by the Vice President for Programs to the Executive Council for approval. The VP of Programs shall have authority to nominate individuals who are AMS Fellows in good standing to serve in the respective roles of Director of Domestic Programs and Director of International Programs to serve pending approval of the EC.

6. Vice President for Engagement.
The Vice President for Engagement shall be elected for a two-year term by a majority of voting Fellows of the Academy and is responsible for developing Fellow engagement. The duties and responsibilities include, but are not limited to: working with the Vice President of Communications in the development of measurable objectives and strategic planning of initiatives that incorporate the use of digital and social media tools to promote the Academy among members and increase global awareness of the Academy of Marketing Science; developing a plan and tactics to increase Fellows’ engagement with AMS; supporting conference activities such as the AMS Doctoral Consortium, professional development (associated with conferences) symposia involving educational teaching, training, seminars, or workshops, as well as selected certificate program participation; supporting AMS Programs by developing ideas for innovative and engaging conference activities, events, and experiences (e.g., that deepen membership relationships with AMS).

7. Vice President of Global Membership.
The Vice President of Global Membership shall be elected for a two-year term by a majority of the voting Fellows of the Academy. The Vice President of Global Membership shall be responsible for adhering to membership standards with respect to all classes of Academy membership world-wide and for the development of strategies, including specific measurable goals for sustaining and growing membership (in all categories), and for the implementation of membership strategies. All membership goals and plans of actions shall be subject to ratification by the Executive Council. The Vice President of Global Membership may appoint directors to facilitate the accomplishment of the membership goals, subject to ratification by the Executive Council.

8. Vice President of Communications.
The Vice President of Communications shall be elected for a two-year term by a majority of the voting Fellows of the Academy and is responsible for strategic implementation of AMS communications through various media. The duties and responsibilities of the Vice President of Communications include, but are not limited to, working with the EC to develop and implement strategic communication initiatives. The VP of Communication will oversee use of appropriate media technologies that include web and non-web sources (email, social media, etc.). Integrated communications aim to promote and increase the global awareness of the Academy of Marketing Science. Other responsibilities include implementation of routine surveys such as conference satisfaction surveys. The VP of Communications shall have direct oversight of the AMS Quarterly (AMSQ/Newsletter), so long as it exists, including the authority to nominate AMSQ editors for approval by the EC.

9. Vice President for Publications.
The Vice-President for Publications shall be appointed to a three-year term by a majority vote of Executive Council voting members. The Vice-President for Publications shall be responsible for implementing publication policies and procedures, as well as the Academy’s Code of Publishing Ethics policies, regarding all AMS academic journals, newspapers, books, monographs, proceedings, or the like, that the AMS publishes. Such policies and procedures shall require the concurrence of the Executive Council. The Vice President of Publications will conduct performance reviews of all Editors of AMS Foundation academic journals and other publications with ratification of the Executive Council. The Vice-President for Publications shall not serve as editor (or coeditor) of any Academy publication during his/her term of office nor of any journal that would present a potential conflict of interest with the AMS.

10. Secretary/Treasurer.
The Secretary/Treasurer shall be elected for a two-year term by a majority of the voting Fellows of the Academy. The Secretary/Treasurer shall be responsible for recording and maintaining the minutes of Executive Council meetings and shall have oversight responsibility for Academy financial affairs. If the Secretary/Treasurer is absent from an Executive Council meeting, the President may designate an acting secretary.

11. Past President.
Former Presidents of the Academy shall hold the title Past President indefinitely. Past Presidents shall act as advisors to current Academy officers at the request of the President and Board of Governors. As specified in Title Seven, the immediate Past President shall serve as a voting member of the Executive Council and the Board of Governors.

12. Nominations.
Officer nominations shall be the responsibility of the Nominating Committee, as described in Title Nine.

13. Term of Office.
The term of office for all elected officers shall be from September 1 through August 31 of the second year following their assumption of office. Any officer may be removed from office by a two-thirds vote of those members of the Executive Council and Board of Governors (excluding the officer whose removal is being sought) present and acting as one body during a regularly scheduled or specifically called meeting. Such removal shall be only for good cause. In the event of a vacancy resulting from such removal, or for any other reason, a replacement shall be nominated by the President and approved by a majority of the Executive Council and Board of Governors.

Title Nine


1. Nominating Committee. An election of officers and Board of Governors members shall be held biennially in even-numbered years. Prior to an election, the President shall appoint a Nominating Committee consisting of the current President of the Academy, the Executive Vice President/Director of the Academy, the immediate Past President, and three additional Fellows. At least two of the three additional Fellows shall currently be serving as officers of the Academy or as members of the Board of Governors. The Nominating Committee shall be chaired by the immediate Past President.

2. Nominations. The Nominating Committee shall nominate two candidates for each Academy office with the exception of the offices of President and President-elect, for which there may be one candidate, respectively. There shall be more nominees for membership on the Board of Governors than the number of members whose terms are expiring. In addition to the candidates offered by the Nominating Committee, there shall also be listed on an election ballot the names of qualified Fellows nominated for an office or Board of Governors membership by a petition signed by not fewer than twenty Fellows and received by the Board of Governors at least one month prior to an election. Current officers and Board of Governors members may be nominated for their same or different positions.

3. Procedure. Officers and Board of Governors members shall be elected for the terms noted herein by a ballot provided to Fellows in good standing at least 75 days prior to the Annual Conference. A compilation of the votes will be made from ballots completed by a specified date no less than 30 days after the ballots are provided to Fellows and the majority of completed ballots shall be sufficient to elect. In case of a tie Executive Council members will be polled. The winner will be selected by a simple majority vote. The election results shall be announced at or prior to the Annual Conference.

Title Ten

Executive Council

1. Composition. The Executive Council shall be composed of those officers listed in Title Eight, plus the Chairperson of the Board of Governors.

2. Responsibility. The Executive Council shall serve as the primary decision-making body of the Academy. Acting in accordance with these Articles of Association and Bylaws, the Executive Council shall have the authority to develop and execute the Academy's policies.

3. Meetings. The Executive Council shall meet as a formal body at least twice during each calendar year.

Title Eleven

Financial Matters

1. Dues. From time to time, the Executive Council shall set annual Academy dues, which may differ for different classes of membership, and which may include a surcharge for first-year membership to cover costs associated with initiating a membership file.

2. Fiscal Year/ Active Membership Term. The Academy's fiscal year shall run from January 1 through December 31. Each payment of annual dues entitles a Fellow to active membership for 12 consecutive months from the date of receipt of the dues. Payment for multiple years' dues at a single time is allowed at rates specified by the Executive Council.

3. Proration of Dues. Dues cover a twelve-month period and are not prorated for fractions of a year. No partial year memberships are permitted.

4. Delinquency/Reinstatement. Fellows whose dues are not received by the Central Office within 21 days of the end of their membership term be dropped from active status in the Academy of Marketing Science. Former Fellows, dropped for non-payment of dues, may be reinstated upon payment of the dues for the year.

Title Twelve


A majority of the Fellows in attendance at an annual business meeting shall constitute a quorum for that meeting. A majority of those members of the Executive Council in attendance at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Council, announced in writing to all members of the Council at least one month in advance of such meeting, shall constitute a quorum for an Executive Council meeting, provided that such a quorum is at least five members of the Executive Council. A majority of those members of the Board of Governors in attendance at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Board, announced in writing to all Board members at least one month in advance of such meeting, shall constitute a quorum for a Board of Governors meeting, provided that such a quorum is at least six members of the Board of Governors. The latest edition of Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the proceedings at annual business meetings, Executive Council meetings, and Board of Governors meetings.

Title Thirteen

Committees of the Academy

The Board of Governors and/or Executive Council shall be empowered to establish those standing and ad hoc committees deemed necessary for accomplishing, and consistent with, the goals and purposes of the Academy. The following standing committees are hereby established: Strategic Planning (chaired by the President), Site Planning (chaired by the President-elect), Nominating (chaired by the immediate Past President), President’s Council (chaired by the President), and Editor Selection (chaired by the President). Every committee shall be responsible to the body that established it.

Title Fourteen


Nothing herein shall constitute Fellows of the Academy as partners for any purpose. No Fellow, officer, agent, or employee of the Academy shall be liable for the acts or failure to act of any other Fellow, officer, agent, or employee of the Academy. No Fellow, officer, agent, or employee of the Academy shall be liable for his or her acts or failure to act under these Revised Articles of Association and Bylaws, excepting only acts or omissions arising out of his or her willful malfeasance.

Title Fifteen

Adoption of Revised Articles of Association and Bylaws

These Revised Articles of Association and Bylaws shall be the governing document of the Academy of Marketing Science as of June 1, 2022 following approval by a two-thirds majority of all Academy Fellows voting by electronic ballot.

Title Sixteen

Amendments to the Articles of Association and Bylaws

The Board of Governors shall be empowered to submit proposed amendments to these Revised Articles of Association and Bylaws to the Academy's Fellows for approval coincident with a biennial ballot or special election. In addition, the Board of Governors shall submit to the Academy's Fellows for approval any proposed amendment submitted to it by a Fellow in good standing that is accompanied by a petition containing the signatures of not fewer than twenty Fellows of the Academy in good standing. All proposed amendments must be approved by a two-thirds majority of all Academy Fellows in good standing voting by ballot.

Revised May 18, 2024