Message from the President:

Welcome to AMS Spotlight, our brand-new newsletter, which will take the place of the AMS Quarterly (AMSQ)! Every two months, we will share the latest news surrounding the Academy of Marketing Science (AMS). With AMS Spotlight, you will stay informed about our various events such as the AMS Annual Conference and the World Marketing Congress and other initiatives. Have you already checked out the latest AMS Sparks episode, which distills essential findings and implications of a recently published Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (JAMS) article in a short video format? If not, please make sure to visit

In addition, our journal editors will offer insights into the most recent developments at AMS Review and JAMS, such as recent call for papers, tips from prolific researchers on publishing advice, and mini-essays on hot topics that move our field. 

We kick off our inaugural issue with information about upcoming conferences, conversations with the JAMS co-editors, insights from guest editors, and the latest updates from AMS Review.

Finally, I would like to take the opportunity to thank Shuang Wu (Rowan University) for putting together AMS Spotlight. Your dedication and hard work make this newsletter possible.

Marko Sarstedt
President of the Academy of Marketing Science


Message from the VP of Communications