JAMS Announces Special Issue on Sustainable Marketing and Innovation

The editors shared their answers to some commonly asked questions.

JAMS Announces Special Issue on Sustainable Marketing and Innovation

The Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (JAMS) has announced a call for papers for a special issue on Sustainable Marketing and Innovation, with submissions due by July 15, 2025.

Guest editors, Neeraj Bharadwaj (University of Tennessee), Anders Gustafsson (Norwegian Business School), and Jagdish N. Sheth (Emory University), shared their answers to the following commonly asked questions:

  1. What gaps does this special issue seek to address?

This special issue seeks to address key gaps in the existing research on sustainability—defined as the integration of environmental and societal concerns into business practices. As outlined in our call for papers  (https://resource-cms.springernature.com/springer-cms/rest/v1/content/27505294/data/v2), there are still many unanswered questions about how sustainability influences critical areas of business, including consumer behavior, marketing strategies, business processes, organizational performance, and long-term societal outcomes.

We aim to feature cutting-edge research that explores the practical and strategic implications of sustainability, with a particular focus on bridging the gap between theory and practice in these areas.

2. What types of submissions are you particularly looking for in this special issue?

Submissions that explore such topics as corporate social responsibility (CSR), ESG factors, green marketing, inclusivity, innovative business models for the circular economy, sociopolitical activism, and cause-related marketing are welcomed. These areas reflect the increasing role of sustainability in business innovation and marketing science.

Submissions should focus on identifying actionable insights that help businesses integrate sustainability into their marketing strategies. We are particularly interested in research that quantifies the impact of sustainable marketing on consumer behavior and business outcomes, while contributing to the creation of a more sustainable global market.

We welcome a range of methodological approaches, including experimental designs, longitudinal studies, content analysis, and comparative studies. The research should aim to contribute to the academic literature, offer practical insights for marketing practitioners, and/or inform policymaking in the realm of sustainable business practices.

This special issue represents an exciting opportunity for scholars to contribute to one of the most critical areas of marketing and innovation research today.

3. How does the submission and review process for this special issue differ from regular submissions?

Submissions to the special issue will be accepted June 1, 2025 -July 15, 2025, and can be made through the JAMS submission system. Interested researchers can contact Neeraj Bharadwaj (nbharadwaj@utk.edu) or Anders Gustafsson (anders.gustafsson@bi.no) for further details.

4. What other plans does the team have for the AMS annual conference?

JAMS will host four dedicated sessions at the AMS Annual Conference in May 2025 in Montreal, providing a platform for authors to present their work and engage in discussions. These sessions are expected to offer valuable insights and networking opportunities for academics and practitioners alike.


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